• London calling and the students from class 4a answered

          • Our trip began in the early hours of Friday, June 2nd at 2 am. After a 2 ½ hour bus ride we arrived at Vienna airport and even though we were quite tired, we could hardly wait for our plane to take off and take us to London Heathrow.

            On our first day, we took the Hop-on Hop-off bus from Paddington Station (which was close to our hotel) through London. Our ticket also included entry for a boat trip from Westminster Pier to Tower Bridge. After our first stop in a British supermarket, we enjoyed an evening at Hyde Park and in our (tiny and noisy) rooms.

            On Saturday morning we walked towards our first adventure of the day, The London Eye, which was amazing and provided us an outstanding view of London. Afterwards we had lunch together at Masters Superfish: traditional Fish and Chips. Our last stop of the day was incredible: We met the Royal Family, Shakespeare and even David and Victoria Beckham. No, not really. But we could take some cool pictures with them at Madame Tussauds.

            Who would have thought that Buckingham Palace attracts SO MANY people? We arrived at around 10:30 am on Sunday and could hardly catch a glimpse of the guards during the Changing of the Guards ceremony. But we could hear the marching band clearly.
            We then took the tube to Camden Market, where we went shopping and for a bite to eat. The people there were different, but different in a nice way: Punks, who played music and entertainment for the crowd. Covent Garden was our last stop of the day. But it was completely different to Camden Market.

            Monday was our history day: We started off in the morning with a visit to the Tower of London, where we could even take a photo with a Yeoman Warder, a so-called Beefeater and we saw, where they tortured Guy Fawkes back in 1606. After lunch, we went to the probably most exciting event of our trip: The London Dungeon. We were scared by witches, heard of the gunpowder plot and even met Jack the Ripper (although nobody knows who he really was to this day). Our teachers were captured a few times and almost tortured, but unfortunately, they always let them go.

            On Tuesday some of us went to the Warner Bros Studios to see where they shot parts of the Harry Potter films. It was just amazing. The others went up the Tower Bridge, walked over the glass floor and even saw the drawbridge being pulled up for a ship to pass. For the rest of the day, we went shopping, back to Hamleys and some of us bought some rare sneakers.

            We really enjoyed our trip, and it definitely won’t ever be forgotten.

          • Sommersportwoche am Salzstiegl

          • Ganz nach dem Motto „Frei sein auf der Alm“ verbrachten unsere 1. Klassen ihre erste Sommersportwoche am Salzstiegl auf 1320m Seehöhe, wo neben dem wunderschönen Panoramaausblick und den Wanderungen, welche die Woche zu einem großartigen Naturerlebnis machten, zahlreiche In- und Outdooraktivitäten auf die Schülerinnen und Schüler warteten. So konnten sie ihre sportlichen Talente durch akrobatische Meisterleistungen am Bungee-Trampolin, auf holprigen Fahrten mit Riesenrollern, beim Bogenschießen oder beim Outdoorklettern unter Beweis stellen.

            Neben der mystischen Fackelwanderung bei Nacht kam auch das Tanzen in der Disco nicht zu kurz und sorgte für gute Laune. Den krönenden Abschluss bildete das gemütliche Beisammensein am Lagerfeuer, das viele neue Freundschaften entstehen ließ. Wir blicken dankbar auf eine rundum gelungene Woche zurück und freuen uns auf künftige Abenteuer :) 

          • Make IT safe, performed by Peer-Experts

          • In diesem Jahr haben 13 unserer Schüler:innen der 3. Und 4. Klassen die Ausbildung zu Peer-Experts zum Thema „Make IT safe“ wahrgenommen. Dieses steiermarkweite Projekt wurde vom Regionalen Jugendmanagement durch die A6-Fachabteilung Gesellschaft finanziert.

            Der Abschluss der Ausbildung erfolgte am 22. Juni 2023 im Rahmen von Workshops in unseren 2. Klassen. Dabei sprachen unsere Experts gemeinsam mit ihren Mitschüler:innen über Sicherheitseinstellungen, Privatsphärenschutz, Gefahren und Konsequenzen von Sozialen Medien, wie TikTok, What’s App, Snapchat und Instagram. Es gab auch die Möglichkeit diese am eigenen Handy zu überprüfen und neu einzustellen.

        • BE-Saal
        • Schulküche
        • Physiksaal
        • Werkraum